As in the last edition, the proceedings of LAGOS 2023 will be published by Elsevier in Procedia Computer Science.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions in English with eight (8) single-column letter-size pages in the Procedia format. The submissions are expected to be fully self-contained (including references). In the case that the 8-page format is insufficient for the whole submission, authors are encouraged to place some of the material in an optional appendix. This appendix will not be published in the proceedings and hence should not be referenced within the body of the 8-page paper, but it will be used to evaluate the submission. Please check also the Guide for authors of Procedia Computer Science.
Simultaneous submission of papers to any other conference with published proceedings, as well as the submission of previously published papers, is not allowed. At least one author of each accepted papers must register for the conference to be included in the program.
The submission process must be completed electronically through Easy Chair.
Submission: April 1st April 12
Notification: June 1st June 12
Camera ready version: June 26 July 2nd