XII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium

Huatulco, México. September 18-22, 2023

Accepted Papers

The Lagos PC chose two papers for the Lagos award.
They are the following papers:

Nina Kamčev and Mathias Schacht
Canonical colourings in random graphs

José D. Alvarado, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Patrick Morris and Guilherme Oliveira Mota
A canonical Ramsey theorem with list constraints in random graphs

  • Descriptive complexity of controllable graphs

    , Aida Abiad, Anuj Dawar and Octavio Zapata

  • On prescribing total orders for bipartite sets of distances in the Euclidean plane

    , Gerardo L. Maldonado, Miguel Raggi Pérez and Edgardo Roldán-Pensado

  • Hyper-heuristics with Path Relinking applied to the Generalised Time-Dependent ATSP in air travel

    , Matheus Simões, Laura Bahiense and Celina Figueiredo

  • Greediness is not always a vice: efficient discovery algorithms for assignment problems

    , Romaric Duvignau and Ralf Klasing

  • Edge and non-edge differentiated biclique graphs

    , Edmilson P. Cruz, Marina Groshaus and André L.P. Guedes

  • Characterization of graphs with perfect closed neighbourhood matrices

    , Mariana Escalante and Erica G. Hinrichsen

  • Online vector bin packing and hypergraph coloring Illuminated: simpler proofs and new connections

    , Yaqiao Li and Denis Pankratov

  • Crossing numbers of complete bipartite graphs

    , József Balogh, Bernard Lidický, Sergey Norin, Florian Pfender, Gelasio Salazar and Sam Spiro

  • Canonical colourings in random graphs

    , Nina Kamčev and Mathias Schacht

  • Least corank for the nonexistence of uniformly most reliable graphs

    , Pablo Romero and Martín D. Safe

  • Reductions for the 3-Decomposition Conjecture

    , Oliver Bachtler and Irene Heinrich

  • A canonical Ramsey theorem with list constraints in random graphs

    , José D. Alvarado, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Patrick Morris and Guilherme Oliveira Mota

  • Mutual-visibility in distance-hereditary graphs: a linear-time algorithm

    , Serafino Cicerone and Gabriele Di Stefano

  • Computacional complexity of Hajós constructions of symmetric odd cycles

    , Jorge Cervantes-Ojeda, Juan Carlos García-Altamirano and Mika Olsen

  • Resource augmentation analysis of the greedy algorithm for the Online Transportation Problem

    , Stephen Arndt, Josh Ascher and Kirk Pruhs

  • Preprocessing complexity for some graph problems parameterized by structural parameters

    , Manuel Lafond and Weidong Luo

  • Biclique transversal and biclique independent set

    , Marina Groshaus and Juan Carlos Terragno

  • Min-max coverage problems on tree-like metrics

    , Eric Aaron, Ursula Hebert-Johnson, Danny Krizanc and Daniel Lokshtanov

  • Identifying codes in bipartite graphs of given maximum degree

    , Dipayan Chakraborty, Florent Foucaud and Tuomo Lehtilä

  • Unavoidable patterns in 2-colorings of the complete bipartite graph

    , Adriana Hansberg and Denae Ventura

  • The Conversion Set Problem on Graphs

    , Isac Costa, Carlos V.G.C. Lima and Thiago Marcilon

  • Polarity on H-split graphs

    , Fernando Esteban Contreras-Mendoza and César Hernández-Cruz

  • Resilience for loose Hamilton cycles

    , José D. Alvarado, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Richard Lang, Guilherme Oliveira Mota and Henrique Stagni

  • Obstructions for χ-diperfectness

    , Caroline Aparecida de Paula Silva, Cândida Nunes da Silva and Orlando Lee

  • The problem of discovery in version control systems

    , Laurent Bulteau, Pierre-Yves David and Florian Horn

  • Graphs of minimum degree at least ⌊ⅆ/2⌋ and large enough maximum degree embed every tree with ⅆ vertices

    , Joseph Hyde and Bruce Reed

  • Five edge-independent spanning trees

    , Alonso Ali and Orlando Lee

  • Semi-proper orientations of dense graphs

    , Julio Araujo, Frederic Havet, Claudia Linhares Sales, Nicolas Nisse and Karol Suchan

  • Managing time expanded networks through Project and Lift: the lift issue.

    , José Luis Figueroa González, Alain Quilliot, Hélène Toussaint and Annegret Wagler

  • Kochol superposition of Goldberg with Semi-blowup snarks is Type 1

    , Miguel A.D.R. Palma, Simone Dantas and Diana Sasaki

  • Characterization of balanced graphs within claw-free graphs

    , Lucía Busolini, Guillermo Durán and Martín D. Safe

  • Sidon sets and Sidon-partitions in cyclic groups through almost different sets

    , Luis Miguel Delgado, Amanda Montejano, Hamilton Ruiz and Carlos Trujillo

  • On the absolute and relative oriented clique problems’ time complexity

    , Erika M.M. Coelho, Hebert Coelho, Luerbio Faria, Mateus de P. Ferreira and Sulamita Klein

  • Mixed integer programming and quadratic programming formulations for the interval count problem

    , Lívia Medeiros, Fabiano Oliveira, Abilio Lucena and Jayme Szwarcfiter

  • Simple certifying algorithms for variants of the (2,1)-colouring problem (Regular article)

    , César Hernández-Cruz, Fernando Esteban and Contreras-Mendoza

  • On nonrepetitive colorings of cycles, Fabio Botler

    , Wanderson Lomenha Pereira and João Pedro de Souza

  • A de Bruijn and Erdös property in quasi-metric spaces with four points

    , Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Martín Matamala and José Zamora

  • Spherical fullerene graphs that do not satisfy Andova and Skrekovski's conjecture

    , Thiago M. D. Silva, Diego S. Nicodemos and Simone Dantas

  • Graphs with constant balancing number, Yair Caro, Ileana Gonzalez Escalante

    , Adriana Hansberg, Mariel Jacome, Tonatiuh Matos Wiederhold and Amanda Montejano

  • A general approximation for multistage subgraph problems

    , Markus Chimani, Niklas Troost and Tilo Wiedera

  • Recovering cyclic tilings through beta-skeletons

    , Héctor Saib Maravillo Gómez, Gilberto Calvillo Vives and Erick Treviño Aguilar

  • Counting lines in semi-complete digraphs, Martín Matamala

    , Gabriela Araujo-Pardo and José Zamora

  • Freeze-Tag is NP-hard in 3D with L₁ distance

    , Lehilton L.C. Pedrosa and Lucas de Oliveira Silva

Brief Announcements

  • On general packing functions in graphs

    , Hinrischen, Graciela Nasini and Natalí Vansteenkiste

  • Fair subgraph selection for contagion containment (Brief announcement)

    , Mayank Goswami, Esther M. Arkin, Rezaul A. Chowdhury, Jason Huang, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, Valentin Polishchuk and Rakesh Ravindran

  • Biclique coloring game

    , Paola T.P. Huaynoca, Simone Dantas and Daniel F.D. Posner

  • On the detection of local and global amoebas: theoretical insights and practical algorithms

    , Marcos E. González Laffitte, J. René González-Martínez and Amanda Montejano

  • Cops and robber on variants of retracts and subdivisions of oriented graphs

    , Harmender Gahlawat, Zin Mar Myint and Sagnik Sen

  • Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of corona products (Brief announcement)

    , Hanna Furmańczyk and Rita Zuazua

  • Common edge independence number of a graph

    , Magda Dettlaff, Magdalena Lemanska and Jerzy Topp

  • P₃-Carathéodory number on graphs with diameter two

    , Erika M.M. Coelho, Hebert Coelho and Braully Silva

  • A polyhedral study of a relaxation of the routing and spectrum allocation problem

    , Federico Bertero, Herve Kerivin, Javier Marenco and Annegret Wagler

  • Complexity and winning strategies of graph convexity games

    , Samuel N. Araújo, Raquel Folz, Rosiane de Freitas and Rudini Sampaio

  • On the hull and interval numbers of oriented graphs

    , Julio Araujo, Ana Karolinna Maia, Pedro P. Medeiros and Lucia Penso

  • Positional Knapsack Problem: NP-hardness and approximation scheme

    , Lehilton L.C. Pedrosa, Mauro R.C. da Silva and Rafael C.S. Schouery

  • Lower bounds and exact values of the 2-color off-diagonal generalized weak Schur numbers WS(2; k_1, k_2)

    , Tanbir Ahmed, Luis Boza, Maria Pastora Revuelta and Maria Isabel Sanz

  • Voltage graphs as a technique to obtaining semi-cubic cages

    , Flor Aguilar, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo and Leah Berman

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