XII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium

Huatulco, México. September 18-22, 2023

Accepted Papers

The Lagos PC chose two papers for the Lagos award.
They are the following papers:

Nina Kamčev and Mathias Schacht
Canonical colourings in random graphs

José D. Alvarado, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Patrick Morris and Guilherme Oliveira Mota
A canonical Ramsey theorem with list constraints in random graphs

Descriptive complexity of controllable graphs, Aida Abiad, Anuj Dawar and Octavio Zapata

On prescribing total orders for bipartite sets of distances in the Euclidean plane, Gerardo L. Maldonado, Miguel Raggi Pérez and Edgardo Roldán-Pensado

Hyper-heuristics with Path Relinking applied to the Generalised Time-Dependent ATSP in air travel, Matheus Simões, Laura Bahiense and Celina Figueiredo

Greediness is not always a vice: efficient discovery algorithms for assignment problems, Romaric Duvignau and Ralf Klasing

Edge and non-edge differentiated biclique graphs, Edmilson P. Cruz, Marina Groshaus and André L.P. Guedes

Characterization of graphs with perfect closed neighbourhood matrices, Mariana Escalante and Erica G. Hinrichsen

Online vector bin packing and hypergraph coloring Illuminated: simpler proofs and new connections, Yaqiao Li and Denis Pankratov

Crossing numbers of complete bipartite graphs, József Balogh, Bernard Lidický, Sergey Norin, Florian Pfender, Gelasio Salazar and Sam Spiro

Canonical colourings in random graphs, Nina Kamčev and Mathias Schacht

Least corank for the nonexistence of uniformly most reliable graphs, Pablo Romero and Martín D. Safe

Reductions for the 3-Decomposition Conjecture, Oliver Bachtler and Irene Heinrich

A canonical Ramsey theorem with list constraints in random graphs, José D. Alvarado, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Patrick Morris and Guilherme Oliveira Mota

Mutual-visibility in distance-hereditary graphs: a linear-time algorithm, Serafino Cicerone and Gabriele Di Stefano

Computacional complexity of Hajós constructions of symmetric odd cycles, Jorge Cervantes-Ojeda, Juan Carlos García-Altamirano and Mika Olsen

Resource augmentation analysis of the greedy algorithm for the Online Transportation Problem, Stephen Arndt, Josh Ascher and Kirk Pruhs

Preprocessing complexity for some graph problems parameterized by structural parameters, Manuel Lafond and Weidong Luo

Biclique transversal and biclique independent set, Marina Groshaus and Juan Carlos Terragno

Min-max coverage problems on tree-like metrics, Eric Aaron, Ursula Hebert-Johnson, Danny Krizanc and Daniel Lokshtanov

Identifying codes in bipartite graphs of given maximum degree, Dipayan Chakraborty, Florent Foucaud and Tuomo Lehtilä

Unavoidable patterns in 2-colorings of the complete bipartite graph, Adriana Hansberg and Denae Ventura

The Conversion Set Problem on Graphs, Isac Costa, Carlos V.G.C. Lima and Thiago Marcilon

Polarity on H-split graphs, Fernando Esteban Contreras-Mendoza and César Hernández-Cruz

Resilience for loose Hamilton cycles, José D. Alvarado, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Richard Lang, Guilherme Oliveira Mota and Henrique Stagni

Obstructions for χ-diperfectness, Caroline Aparecida de Paula Silva, Cândida Nunes da Silva and Orlando Lee

The problem of discovery in version control systems, Laurent Bulteau, Pierre-Yves David and Florian Horn

Graphs of minimum degree at least ⌊ⅆ/2⌋ and large enough maximum degree embed every tree with ⅆ vertices, Joseph Hyde and Bruce Reed

Five edge-independent spanning trees, Alonso Ali and Orlando Lee

Semi-proper orientations of dense graphs, Julio Araujo, Frederic Havet, Claudia Linhares Sales, Nicolas Nisse and Karol Suchan

Managing time expanded networks through Project and Lift: the lift issue., José Luis Figueroa González, Alain Quilliot, Hélène Toussaint and Annegret Wagler

Kochol superposition of Goldberg with Semi-blowup snarks is Type 1, Miguel A.D.R. Palma, Simone Dantas and Diana Sasaki

Characterization of balanced graphs within claw-free graphs, Lucía Busolini, Guillermo Durán and Martín D. Safe

Sidon sets and Sidon-partitions in cyclic groups through almost different sets, Luis Miguel Delgado, Amanda Montejano, Hamilton Ruiz and Carlos Trujillo

On the absolute and relative oriented clique problems’ time complexity, Erika M.M. Coelho, Hebert Coelho, Luerbio Faria, Mateus de P. Ferreira and Sulamita Klein

Mixed integer programming and quadratic programming formulations for the interval count problem, Lívia Medeiros, Fabiano Oliveira, Abilio Lucena and Jayme Szwarcfiter

Simple certifying algorithms for variants of the (2,1)-colouring problem (Regular article), César Hernández-Cruz, Fernando Esteban and Contreras-Mendoza

On nonrepetitive colorings of cycles, Fabio Botler, Wanderson Lomenha Pereira and João Pedro de Souza

A de Bruijn and Erdös property in quasi-metric spaces with four points, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo, Martín Matamala and José Zamora

Spherical fullerene graphs that do not satisfy Andova and Skrekovski's conjecture, Thiago M. D. Silva, Diego S. Nicodemos and Simone Dantas

Graphs with constant balancing number, Yair Caro, Ileana Gonzalez Escalante, Adriana Hansberg, Mariel Jacome, Tonatiuh Matos Wiederhold and Amanda Montejano

A general approximation for multistage subgraph problems, Markus Chimani, Niklas Troost and Tilo Wiedera

Recovering cyclic tilings through beta-skeletons, Héctor Saib Maravillo Gómez, Gilberto Calvillo Vives and Erick Treviño Aguilar

Counting lines in semi-complete digraphs, Martín Matamala, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo and José Zamora

Freeze-Tag is NP-hard in 3D with L₁ distance, Lehilton L.C. Pedrosa and Lucas de Oliveira Silva

Brief Announcements

On general packing functions in graphs, Hinrischen, Graciela Nasini and Natalí Vansteenkiste

Fair subgraph selection for contagion containment (Brief announcement), Mayank Goswami, Esther M. Arkin, Rezaul A. Chowdhury, Jason Huang, Joseph S.B. Mitchell, Valentin Polishchuk and Rakesh Ravindran

Biclique coloring game, Paola T.P. Huaynoca, Simone Dantas and Daniel F.D. Posner

On the detection of local and global amoebas: theoretical insights and practical algorithms, Marcos E. González Laffitte, J. René González-Martínez and Amanda Montejano

Cops and robber on variants of retracts and subdivisions of oriented graphs, Harmender Gahlawat, Zin Mar Myint and Sagnik Sen

Adjacent vertex distinguishing total coloring of corona products (Brief announcement), Hanna Furmańczyk and Rita Zuazua

Common edge independence number of a graph, Magda Dettlaff, Magdalena Lemanska and Jerzy Topp

P₃-Carathéodory number on graphs with diameter two, Erika M.M. Coelho, Hebert Coelho and Braully Silva

A polyhedral study of a relaxation of the routing and spectrum allocation problem, Federico Bertero, Herve Kerivin, Javier Marenco and Annegret Wagler

Complexity and winning strategies of graph convexity games, Samuel N. Araújo, Raquel Folz, Rosiane de Freitas and Rudini Sampaio

On the hull and interval numbers of oriented graphs, Julio Araujo, Ana Karolinna Maia, Pedro P. Medeiros and Lucia Penso

Positional Knapsack Problem: NP-hardness and approximation scheme, Lehilton L.C. Pedrosa, Mauro R.C. da Silva and Rafael C.S. Schouery

Lower bounds and exact values of the 2-color off-diagonal generalized weak Schur numbers WS(2; k_1, k_2), Tanbir Ahmed, Luis Boza, Maria Pastora Revuelta and Maria Isabel Sanz

Voltage graphs as a technique to obtaining semi-cubic cages, Flor Aguilar, Gabriela Araujo-Pardo and Leah Berman