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Dra. Déborah Oliveros Braniff


Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores ENES

2022 up to date

University of California Davis

2018 (January-March)

Queretaro State University, UAQ, Mexico

2009 up to date

Department of Mathematics

National University of Mexico UNAM

2009 up to date

Center of Applied Physics and Advanced Technology

National University of Mexico, UNAM

1994 up to date

Faculty of Sciences

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Gyivan Erick López Campos
Ph. D. Thesis in process

Self-dual polytopes and chromatic numbers

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM México


Antonio de Jesús Torres Hernandez Ph. D. Thesis

Teoremas tipo Ramsey en Nervios, particiones de puntos

Posgrado en Ciencias Matemáticas, UNAM 2023

Caleb Aguilar Camargo Bachelor thesis

Teoremas Tipo Tverberg en posición convexa

Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM México September, 2021

Gyivan Erick López Master Thesis

Two Problems in Discrete Geometry related with Metric Polytopes

Posgrado en Ciencias Matemáticas, UNAM October, 2020

Guadalupe Yañes Barron Bachelor thesis

Queretaro State University, UAQ, Mexico

Gyivan Erick López Campos Bachelor Thesis

Piercing number for boxes on subsets of R^d

Queretaro State University UAQ, Mexico June, 2017

Valentín Jiménez de Santiago Master Thesis

Faculty of Sciences, National University of Mexico UNAM March, 2017

Edgar Gonzales Arreola Master Thesis

Critical Convex Polygons and the Theorem of Doignon-Bell-Scarf in dimension two

Queretaro State University, UAQ January, 2016

Antonio de Jesús Torres Hernández Bachelor Thesis

(p,q) Theorems for linear and ciclic permutations

Queretaro State University, UAQ, Mexico September, 2015

Bertín Hernández Trejo Master Thesis

Piercing number, the Chromatic number of hypergraphs and the Katchalski conjecture

Faculty of Sciences, National University of Mexico, UNAM May, 2015

Valentín Jiménez de Santiago Bachelor Thesis

Over the genus of cubic bicirculant graphs

Queretaro State University, UAQ June, 2014

Edgar Gonzales Arreola Bachelor Thesis

Generating trees and the transportation polytope

Queretaro State University, UAQ May, 2014

Héctor Baños Cervantes Bachelor Thesis

Piecing properties of boxes

Queretaro State University, UAQ February, 2014

Luis Vásquez Ávila Bachelor Thesis

(p,q) theorems for lines and intervals

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico March, 2014

Johana Luviano Phd. Thesis

Colorations of hypergraphs and Mycielski type theorems

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico Co-dirección with Luis Montejano Peimbert June, 2012

María del Río Francos Bachelor Thesis

Symmetries and visualizations of the  Graphicaedron

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico August, 2009

Emiliano Mora Valladares Bachelor Thesis

Pensamiento matemático en secundaria, actividades para el desarrollo curricular

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico November, 2008


Ileana Arelí González

Posgrado en ciencias Matemáticas, Unidad Juriquilla UNAM

Marcela Guadalupe Mercado Flores

Posgrado en ciencias Matemáticas, Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas

Daniel Pellicer Covarrubias

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico

Juan Carlos Díaz Patiño

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico

Issac Arelio Rios

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico

Eric Fabian Lopez

Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico

María del Río Francos

Univeristy of Ljubljiana, Slovenia

Leornado Antonio Carrillo Pichardo

Queretaro State University