I am originally from México city, but I have lived in many places in Mexico and in Canada. I studied must of my carrier at UNAM and did a Postdoc at the University Calgary where I stayed around 7 years. I am currently a full professor at the Institute of Mathematics.
Instituto de Matemáticas, Campus Juriquilla.
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Blvd. Juriquilla 3001, 76230, Juriquilla Querétaro
+52 (442) 1926283, Ext: 322
Mexican and Canadian
Fluent in Spanish and English
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Discrete and Convex Geometry
2015 (august) up to date
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
2005 - 2010
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
1999 - 2002
Institute of Mathematics
National University of Mexico, UNAM
1997 - 1999